In order to improve the competence of lecturers, especially in the field of research, the Notary Masters Study program at the Faculty of Law, Pancasila University held a Seminar on Lecturer Research Results. This seminar activity is carried out online via Zoom which will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2022, from 09:00 to 16:00 WIB.

Appear as presenter:

1. Prof. Dr. K. Oka Setiawan, S.H., M.H., Sp.N and Dr. Tetti Samosir, S.H., M.H (Group)
“Religious Differences in the Perspective of Marriage Law and Post-UUP Human Rights”.
2. Dr. Armansyah, S.H., M.H., C.Med.
“Virtual Jurisdiction and Digital Economy Regimes: An Approach to Convergence Legal Theory”.
3. Dr. Yoyo Arifardhani, S.H., M.H., LL.M
“The Role of the National Collective Management Institute in Collecting Copyright Royalties in Indonesia”.
4. Dr. fx. Arsin Lukman, S.H.
“Verklaring Forest in the Concept of National Land Law A Comparison with Domein Verklaring in the Conception of Liberal Individualism (Dutch Indies) (Case Study of Forests in East Kalimantan)”.
5. Dr. Agung Iriantoro, S.H., M.H
“The Legal Capacity of Notaries as Reporting Parties and Application of the Principles of Recognizing Service Users in the Crime of Money Laundering”.
6. Dr. Yunirman Rijan, S.H., M.H., M.Kn and Susilo, S.H. (Collaboration).
“Selling Underhanded Mortgage Objects and Legal Protection against Banks”.

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